In Ballinrobe Community School all classes are one hour in duration. The school day starts at 9.10am and it is vital that students arrive to school no later than 9am to adequately prepare for the day ahead. School finishes at 4pm on Monday to Thursday and 1.25pm on Fridays.
Signing out
Students should try to schedule appointment on Friday afternoons where possible to avoid disruption to teaching and learning. If a student feels sick during the day, they should report to Reception and the Secretary will call a parent/guardian to collect them. Any student who needs to leave the school during the school day must be collected by a parent/guardian, they cannot leave the school unaccompanied.
Parents/Guardians need to use the Compass app to enter a ‘Signing out’ note. Students can then be signed out by their Year Head, Deputy Principal or Principal.
All absences must be explained by a note on the Compass app.